The Old Town Shop


Välikatu 4, 06100 Porvoo
Tel. +358 (0)19 548 4235, +358 (0)40 1621736

Opening hours

Monday–Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 10–16

Change in opening hours

Thursday 9.5. open 10–16

Shopping night 17.5. open 10–22

Welcome to our shop in the Old Town of Porvoo!

 You will be met by shelves overflowing with a selection of popular sweets: kisses, truffle, liquorice, caramel toffee, handmade chocolate, marmalade and much more. Delicious sweets, gifts and souvenirs are available in bigger packages in our own shops than elsewhere.

Our shop is situated in the center of the Old Town of Porvoo, almost in the same block as the shop of A.W. Lindfors sweets factory more than 100 years ago.