Lennart Brunberg – sweets manufacturer and music lover

Lennart Brunberg (1891-1945) was not only a manufacturer of sweets; he was also a cultural personality, aware of his social responsibility.

Closest to his heart was music. He played the violin and the cello and sang in the choir of the sports association Akilles, led by the son of A.W. Lindfors, the Olympics gold medalist Adolf Lindfors.

Lennart Brunberg was one of the initiators of the Porvoo Orchestra Association and the Mimer string orchestra, whose conductor he was, as well.

With the help of supporters of the Porvoo Concert Association he managed to persuade well known musicians to perform in Porvoo.

The heirs of Brunberg founded in 1988 the Brunberg trust in memory of their father, with the aim to promote the cultural life in Porvoo, above all within music.

Lennart Brunberg was also active in politics. He was influential within the Porvoo City Council and was chairman of Porvoo Handicraft and Factory Association.

In his spare time, he was a diligent Akilles sports supporter.

Lennart Brunberg was a generous donor to less fortunate people. In 1941, when he turned 50 years of age, he donated a significant amount to the area in Porvoo designated to the Swedish speaking invalids from the Winter War and the Finnish Continuation War. The area included around twenty homes and outbuildings.

During his lifetime, Lennart Brunberg made a deep impression on the town of Porvoo.